Morning: Psalm 103; Genesis 17:1-16; Colossians 2:6-12
New Year! Today, I am taking more space than usual to explain what you
might expect in these daily 100 words during 2019 …
Beginning today, I am calling these reflections ‘Seeking Understanding’.
They attempt and invite understanding. Mostly, I use non-religious
language accessible to all, though the central character is Jesus.
people say they do not understand the Way of Jesus – they either
believe it blindly or reject it. These reflections invite us to
dedicate time and effort each day to understanding the things we believe
and the things we do not.
so many areas of human endeavour, it takes a lifetime to gain mastery –
Art, Mechanics, Carpentry, Parenting, Medicine, Cooking, Law, Science,
Politics, Psychology. Yet sometimes we imagine we will understand the
Way of Jesus in a moment. Or we believe we already understand without
effort … which can actually lead to huge mis-understanding.
is required. St. Paul writes, “See to it that no one takes you captive
through philosophy and empty deceit.” If you want to be sure things
make sense to you, don’t just believe all you’ve been told, nor dismiss
things out of hand … explore more deeply.
I am inviting you to reflect with me on a couple of levels:
- Digging
into things so as to give a more reasonable foundation to whatever
faith you have; and, if you are not a person of faith, you may want to
understand what leads some people to faith.
- Once
you take the step of faith, you are on a new journey of understanding.
St. Augustine (354-430) said, “Believe in order to understand.” If you
are a person of faith, I hope you will explore daily the new territory
that has now opened itself to your imagination. St. Anselm (1033 –
1109) called this “Faith seeking understanding.”
am calling this daily reflection ‘Seeking Understanding’ because its
goal is to invite both the understanding that precedes faith and the
understanding that is enriched by faith.
Onward! …